Boris Johnson's Change of Heart

Published: May 12, 2020, 9:53 a.m.

b'As Italy, France and Spain entered national lockdowns, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain was still shaking hands with coronavirus patients in hospitals, and then joking about it on national television. Then he was hospitalized with the virus \\u2014 and by the time he returned, both his attitude and his approach to the crisis were transformed. Today, we explore why the country that was most skeptical of the virus may be the slowest to reopen.\\xa0 Guest: Mark Landler, the London bureau chief of The New York Times. For more information on today\\u2019s episode, visit\\xa0\\n\\nBackground reading:\\xa0Mr. Johnson announced a cautious plan for reopening over the weekend, including a new 14-day quarantine for foreign arrivals.While the British government frequently says it\\u2019s \\u201cguided by the science\\u201d in managing the crisis, the membership of its scientific advisory group, SAGE, has been a secret.'