A Major Ruling on Abortion

Published: June 30, 2020, 9:54 a.m.

b'The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law that could have left the state with a single abortion clinic. It was a setback for conservatives in the first major ruling on abortion since two Trump appointees joined the bench. We examine the implications for future challenges, and why \\u2014 for the third time in two weeks \\u2014 Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. sided with his four more liberal colleagues.\\n\\nGuest: Adam Liptak, who covers the Supreme Court for The Times.\\n\\nFor more information on today\\u2019s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily\\xa0\\n\\nBackground reading:\\xa0Chief Justice Roberts also voted with the court\\u2019s liberal wing in rulings on job discrimination against L.G.B.T.Q. workers and on a program protecting young immigrants.The ruling on Monday stalled anti-abortion momentum for now, but the movement has a long pipeline of new cases.Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote that the Louisiana law was \\u201calmost word-for-word identical\\u201d to a law from Texas, which the court struck down in 2016.'