Is a Social Media PBS Really What We Need?

Published: Sept. 29, 2019, 10:38 p.m.

We are a generation raised by government, is more government really what we need? So I took a classic Fight Club line and changed it up so sue me. I really get tired of other people wanting to take my money and spend it on things we just do not need and the government making decisions that just end up costing us, the end consumer more and more. 

The past week the New York Times published an opinion article titled “We need a PBS for Social Media” I cannot tell you how wrong and how stupid of an idea this is. At the end of the day all this is doing is expanding government, redistributing money from taxpayers to a government-controlled organization, but most importantly it won’t solve the problem it is saying exists.

The next victim of the U.S versus China tariff war are Apple’s Mac Pro computers. What our fearless political leaders often fail to realize when it comes to economics is that at the end of the day the consumers are always the ones who lose in these wars.

