API Driven Edge Networking and 5G

Published: March 4, 2020, 8 a.m.


Sunay Tripathi (@SunayTripathi, Founder and CTO, @MobiledgeX) talk about Edge Networking, why 5G will be a huge leap forward, evolving use cases beyond AR/VR, and creating a clean developer experience by abstracting away the mobile transport layer

SHOW: 440


CLOUD NEWS OF THE WEEK - http://bit.ly/cloudcast-cnotw


Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell everyone a little about yourself, you have been at the intersection of Network Virtualization, Cloud, and now Edge for quite some time.

Topic 2 - Let\\u2019s start at the start. What is your definition of Edge and what are some of the historical problems you see there? In this instance we are talking about network edge devices and not edge computing, correct?

Topic 3 - Tell us a little bit about device/identity security at the edge.

Topic 4 - When I think about device based AR/VR, I think about gaming as the primary use case that I\\u2019m exposed to as a consumer but we are talking about much more than that. What are some of the prominent use cases you are seeing and are trying to solve for?

Topic 5 - How does the increase in bandwidth at the transport layer, in particular worldwide 5G come in to play? Is this just a \\u201cbigger, faster pipe\\u201d or does it require a heavy implementation lift to adopt? How does world geography play into this? Some areas of the world are dominated with edge/handheld devices for almost all daily life now...

Topic 6 - We don\\u2019t talk about PaaS as much on the podcast lately but would it be safe to characterize MobiledgeX\\u2019s technology as a development PaaS for edge devices?

Topic 7 - Tells us about MobiledgeX\\u2019s upcoming initiative, Seamster. As I understand it this will bring vendors and developers together, correct?

