The Cinema of Walter Murch (w/ Dir. Jon Lefkovitz)

Published: Dec. 19, 2020, 6:51 a.m.

b"Walter Murch is one of the seminal figures in American cinema in terms of defining film craft. His editing and sound design work, in many ways, provides the audio-visual architecture to the most influential films of New Hollywood and his collaboration with Francis Ford Coppola on The Conversation, The Godfather and Apocalypse Now would influence a generation of filmmakers to follow. Jon Lefkovitz's feature length audio-visual essay, draws upon a wealth public interviews, discussions and lectures by Murch which demonstrate how his technical craftsmanship is borne out of a deep philosophical understanding of cinema as an art form, and how we respond, cognitively and emotionally, to it. Dario discusses with Jon the labour of love in amalgamating the hours of audio with images that visually enhance and reflect Murch's ideas. This gives rise to many topics of conversation including: cinema as a sound as much as a visual medium, the role of the cinematographer in relation to the director, Murch's continued influence on cinema from analogue to the digital age, the difference between the craft and art of film, and the cold realities of working in the film industry when you are not the one with final creative control.\\nThe film Sight and Sound: The Cinema of Walter Murch is free to view on Vimeo.\\xa0\\nWith the pandemic still wreaking havoc in all areas of life, Dario and Neil discuss the present and future of cinema particularly in light of Warner Bros. decision to put it all new releases onto the streaming service HBO Max at the same time as they go into cinemas.\\nAlso under discussion are the recent viewings of David Fincher's ode to old Hollywood Mank, brutally honest and intriguingly subjective documentary Time (Garrett Bradley), highly entertaining Russian horror sci-fi but with a Hollywood sensibility Sputnik,\\xa0and an even more terrifying socially conscious British horror from Remi Weeks: His House.\\nYou can also subscribe to\\xa0The Cinematologists\\xa0on:\\nApple Podcasts\\nSpotify\\xa0\\nGoogle Podcasts\\nPodchaser\\xa0\\nWe produce an extensive monthly newsletter and bonus/entended content that is available on our Patreon page:\\xa0 You can become a member for only $2.50.\\nWe also really appreciate any reviews you might write about the show (please send us what you have written and we'll mention it) and sharing on\\xa0Social Media\\xa0is the lifeblood of the podcast so please do that if you enjoy the show.\\nMusic Credits\\n\\u2018Theme from The Cinematologists\\u2019\\nWritten and produced by Gwenno Saunders. Mixed by Rhys Edwards. Drums, bass & guitar by Rhys Edwards. All synths by Gwenno Saunders. Published by Downtown Music Publishing.\\nTransition music - P.O.V. - Composed and performed by Jon Lefkovitz"