Our Cinematic 2023

Published: Dec. 28, 2023, 9:12 a.m.

b"In this final episode of 2023 (and season 18), we (Neil and Dario) ruminate on a year spent thinking cinematically and engaging with cinema in the unique way that has become the hallmark of The Cinematologists; thoughtful, personal, searching for meaning and meaningful experiences across the movie spectrum.\\nWe both share brief discussions of two films that stuck with us from different points of the year, Neil talking about Mark Jenkin\\u2019s short A Dog Called Discord and Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor\\u2019s The Future Tense, while Dario ponders Patricio Guzman\\u2019s My Imaginary Country and Samsara, directed by Lois Pati\\xf1o.\\nThen, we spend more time discussing three films each at greater length in what could be seen as their top 3 films of the year, if we were so inclined to frame them that way (and we go to great pains in the episode to make sure that they don\\u2019t come across as \\u2018ranked\\u2019). Dario shares his thoughts on and fondness for Laura Poitras\\u2019s All The Beauty and the Bloodshed, Celine Song\\u2019s Past Lives and Todd Haynes\\u2019s May December. While Neil decides to go deep on Cyril Sch\\xe4ublin\\u2019s Unrest (which he shamefully claims is set in the 1920s when it\\u2019s clearly late 19th Century!), Felix van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch\\u2019s The Eight Mountains and Aki Kaurism\\xe4ki\\u2019s Fallen Leaves. \\n\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\nThank you to all our guests this season and to our listeners, we thank you for your continued support of The Cinematologists, and hope you join us for season 19, which commences in February 2024.\\n\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\nYou can listen to The Cinematologists for free, wherever you listen to podcasts:\\xa0click here to follow.\\nWe also produce an extensive monthly newsletter and bonus/extended content that is available on our Patreon page:\\xa0https://www.patreon.com/cinematologists. You can become a member for only \\xa32.\\nWe really appreciate any reviews you might write (please send us what you have written and we'll mention it) and\\xa0sharing on\\xa0Social Media\\xa0is the lifeblood of the podcast so please do that if you enjoy the show.\\n_____\\nMusic Credits:\\n\\u2018Theme from The Cinematologists\\u2019\\nWritten and produced by Gwenno Saunders. Mixed by Rhys Edwards. Drums, bass & guitar by Rhys Edwards. All synths by Gwenno Saunders. Published by Downtown Music Publishing."