La Notte (featuring film critic Robert Koehler)

Published: Dec. 2, 2017, 12:49 a.m.

b"Michelangelo Antonioni is generally recognised as one of the seminal directors of the European Art House tradition. In this week\\u2019s episode, The Cinematologists return to the Electric Palace Cinema to screen his 1961 film La Notte. The central film in his classic trilogy of modern alienation \\u2013 L\\u2019avventura and L\\u2019eclisse being the other two - La Notte features three of the most iconic European stars - Jeanne Moreau Marcello Mastroianni and Monica Vitti - in a tale of strained relationships set in the abstract architectural spaces of Milan and the rarefied yet superficial circles of Italian high society.This episode also features an interview with the renowned film critic Robert Koehler who discuss his love and admiration of Antonioni's film particular focusing on the film that he sees as the filmmaker's masterpiece L'avventura.Show notesSenses of Cinema review of La NotteLA Times article on La Notte restorationRobert Koehler's Sight and Sound article on L'avventuraDear Antonioni documentary"