Husband (w/Josh Appignanesi and Devorah Baum)

Published: Feb. 9, 2023, 8:36 a.m.

b'In this episode, Neil talks with husband and wife filmmaking team Josh Appignanesi and Devorah Baum about their new work Husband, a follow-up to 2016\'s meta-documentary-autofiction-comedy The New Man.\\xa0Josh and Devorah are co-directors and appear in the film as versions of themselves navigating marriage, parenthood, work and a New York tour for Devorah\'s latest book.\\nThe conversation covers their unique approach to marriage and moviemaking, comedy, collaboration and feelings. It\'s a fascinating discussion about a polarising piece of cinema.\\nPolarising, because as the discussion around the interview highlights, Neil and Dario had very different responses to the film and in an in-depth chat, grapple with those responses and what it says about them as viewers and people.\\nHusband is In UK cinemas now and on Curzon\\xa0Home\\xa0Cinema\\xa0from 10 February"\\n\\n-----\\nYou can listen to The Cinematologists for free, wherever you listen to podcasts:\\xa0click here to follow.\\nWe also produce an extensive monthly newsletter and bonus/extended content that is available on our Patreon page:\\xa0 You can become a member for only \\xa32.\\nWe really appreciate any reviews you might write (please send us what you have written and we\'ll mention it) and\\xa0sharing on\\xa0Social Media\\xa0is the lifeblood of the podcast so please do that if you enjoy the show.\\n_____\\nMusic Credits:\\n\\u2018Theme from The Cinematologists\\u2019\\nWritten and produced by Gwenno Saunders. Mixed by Rhys Edwards. Drums, bass & guitar by Rhys Edwards. All synths by Gwenno Saunders. Published by Downtown Music Publishing'