BONUS: Prof. Neil Fox on Film Practice and Pedagogy

Published: Nov. 13, 2023, 7:40 a.m.

b"Our own Prof. Neil Fox in his day job is director of Falmouth University's Sound/Cinema Lab, which is behind films such as Mark Jenkin's Enys Men (2022) and Chris Morris' A Year in a Field (2022)\\xa0as well as Wilderness (2017), which Neil wrote and produced. Wilderness was also made with a student crew and was proof of concept for making a feature drama within the structure of a university course. With Dario delivering a module to second-year students called Professional Life Practice, designed to help students research and understand the creative industries and learn from working experiences, Neil very generously agreed to answer a range of questions on subjects including his ethos of film pedagogy, how students should use extra-curricula events to shape their careers, the process of developing Wilderness, how students were recruited and what roles they took, understanding a professional mindset, and how the students' experiences on the film shaped their career pathways. Neil is on top form in this talk which is why we have decided to put it out as a bonus episode. It's a hugely valuable insight for film lecturers in practice and screenwriting, and definitely for students in all areas of the creative industries.\\nProf. Neil Fox - \\nDr. Dario Llinares - \\n_____\\nYou can listen to The Cinematologists for free, wherever you listen to podcasts:\\xa0click here to follow. We also produce an extensive monthly newsletter and bonus/extended content that is available on our Patreon page:\\xa0 You can become a member for only \\xa32. We really appreciate any reviews you might write (please send us what you have written and we'll mention it) and\\xa0sharing on\\xa0Social Media\\xa0is the lifeblood of the podcast so please do that if you enjoy the show.\\n_____\\nMusic Credits:\\n\\u2018Theme from The Cinematologists\\u2019\\nWritten and produced by Gwenno Saunders. Mixed by Rhys Edwards. Drums, bass & guitar by Rhys Edwards. All synths by Gwenno Saunders. Published by Downtown Music Publishing."