Happiness in the simple things

Published: Jan. 23, 2017, 4:33 p.m.

may I find Happiness
in the simple things in life
that you provide for all here

the beauty of a sunrise
the power of the wind
the rain that washed away the tears
the laughter of the children here
your grace I find which releases fear

may I clear away any blocks I have
that have closed me off from love
for loves your greatest gift
and the past is past
and I can call upon your holy dove

may I find the blessings of life
in the moment that find
that happiness cannot be captured
it is present in a peaceful state of mind

all of the riches of the world
all the accolades that power bring
can not take the place of true happiness
which comes from simple things

I know this life is fleeting
may I stop and find the time
to appreciate my loved ones
and show gratitude for the blessings that I find

For happiness comes in many ways
and sometimes we don't even know
that what can make us happy
is right there in your presence within our soul"