Pulling those Weeds - Slowing that Mind

Published: Feb. 14, 2017, 3:40 p.m.

It's Spring in England. When we garden what's happening to our energy? How does that effect the mind? The Power of the Earth Connection - Are we loosing and devaluing this stabler? Ohh..the thoughts which meander through Cindy's mind as she does her garden tidy up. With Mind Travel Guest Mick Collins Cindy explores the mind of a mystical, curious, thoughtful mind. What's happening in Mick's garden? What does that reflect? All interesting stuff.

This show is broadcast live on Monday's at 2PM ET on W4CY Radio – (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/) on the Talk 4 Media Network (http://www.talk4media.com/).