Covid Support - Why a Rock with Ears

Published: June 15, 2020, 4:30 p.m.

With the COVID19 lockdown increasing anxiety Cindy shares a Thought Interrupter. With little outer-life to help keep balance, stress builds. The mind speeds. Why is it so important to learn the skills of Mind Management, especially now? How does this exercise interrupt worry? What is 'A rock with ears?" Mind traveling with Rosemary Blackthorn explores the landscape of her creative mind. An artist whose mind keeps everything in boxes. And everything in those boxes? Colourful and expressive.

The Cindy Hurn Show Radio Show is broadcast live at 2pm ET Mondays on W4CY Radio ( part ofTalk 4 Radio ( on theTalk 4 Media Network ( Thispodcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (