[Misplaced] One Meal, Two Gifts, and Three Good Deeds

Published: Dec. 31, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

The Festival of Needs is upon us! Celebrate with Latchkey, Rikashi, and Ash as they enjoy traditional holiday activities such as starting a street brawl, taking a minor to a strip club, and playing wingman to a misguided tatooist!



Track: Shchedryk

Artist: Mystery Mammal

Album: XMas In Space

Link: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Mystery_Mammal/Xmas_on_Tape/Shchedryck


Track: Auld Lang Syne

Artist: Princes Band

Album: Antique Phonograph Music Program

Link: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Princes_Band/Antique_Phonograph_Music_Program_12292009/Princes_Band_-_Auld_Lang_Syne


Main theme: “Hoof, Heart, & Hiss” by Matt Weber



Find us online at:






Josh Hall-Bachner: http://twitter.com/charlequin

Braden Lamb: http://twitter.com/bradenlamb

Jeffrey Bard: https://www.ashesofcreation.com/

Kacey Smith: [stand in front of a mirror at midnight and call her name three times]

Kelly Weisman Asprooth-Jackson: http://www.firstparishbeverly.org/spiritual/ministers-page/

Vin LaBate: http://twitter.com/mrreciprocity and also http://twitter.com/rarecandypod