Trump concedes that governors will make decisions for their states regarding re-opening

Published: April 15, 2020, 4:48 p.m.

- Trump concedes that governors will make decisions for their states regarding re-opening- Trump halts funding for the WHO- Obama officially endorses Joe Biden for president, Elizabeth Warren also planning to endorse Joe- President Trump's name will appear on the IRS stimulus checks for the first time for any president, changes to checks will cause delay to Americans- Obesity and other underlying health conditions becoming more and more evident as the main killers of people with Coronavirus- Lack of physical tough, hugging, etc having long term impacts on our emotional wellbeing- NBC's Peacock Streaming service has soft launch this month- Trending - Trump cuts WHO spending, Bill Gates says it's dangerous and people worry it'll prevent us from getting vaccine, Candace Owens stopped by Police at Whole Foods in DC for not wearing face masks, Tom Brady joins All In Challenge to stop food insecurity, Elizabeth Warren endorses Joe Biden- 50% of consumers have increased online shopping - Major league baseball investing in 10,000 antibody tests - Chris Cuomo says he doesn't like his job at CNN, or the hyper partisan news they present- Taylor Swift, Celine Dion, Oprah, etc join One World: Together at Home concert- Airline industry accept federal bailout money, TSA says lowest number of passengers (only 90,000) screened this week since 9/11 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit