Mandatory Florida Keys evacuation due to Hurricane Irma

Published: Sept. 7, 2017, 10 p.m.

Mandatory Florida Keys evacuation due to Hurricane Irma. Hurricane Jose right behind it. Are you ok with bi-partisanship in Congress? GOP upset with CR being included in hurricane relief legislation. Trump says using the military is an option with North Korea. Urban Word of the Day. Cyber breach at Equifax could impact up to 150 million people. Michael Bennett joining National Anthem protests at NFL games. Hillary spreads the blame in her new book. Appeals court rules against Trump over travel ban. What's Next:The NFL. John Tamney, Editor-Real Clear Markets, talks about the CR introduced in Congress. Say What?? Steve Bannon gives interview to 60 Minutes.  Dr. John Huber, a mental health professional and university professor, talks about clown phobia with the release of Stephen King's IT.