Big Lessons From Little Children

Published: March 17, 2016, 4:37 p.m.

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In this message on Mark 10:13-16, Jesus teaches us three big lessons from a few small children. First, we see how the Kingdom of God reverses many of our assumptions or prejudices. God rejects what the world chooses and chooses what the world rejects. Second, we learn that the Kingdom of God is only for those who acknowledge their need. Only those who are helplessly dependent upon God - like little children - can receive the Kingdom. Third, we see how the good news of God’s Kingdom transforms everything it touches. The value we place upon human being in general and children in particular is the result of the influence of the gospel upon our world. In light of this fact, we are called to be salt and light in the world and bring the transforming truth of God’s Kingdom into our neighbourhoods and the nations.