May 20 - Pentecost Sunday, Year B

Published: May 19, 2018, 4 a.m.

(Acts 2:1-11;   Ps.104:1,24,29-31,34;   Gal.5:16-25;   Jn.15:26-27,16:12-15) “The time for Pentecost was fulfilled.” A driving wind comes from the sky.  It fills the house.  Tongues of fire come to rest on the disciples, and they speak in tongues of every nation.  The gathered crowd of “Jews from every nation under heaven” ask in wonder, “How does each of us hear them in his native language?”  How is such perfect communication possible?  How could such light fall upon mankind?  How can we be made one? “The Advocate comes.”  “The Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father,” sent by the Son to “guide [us] to all truth,” declares the glory of God in our midst, fulfills the Word among us, making us brothers and sisters in the light of the Lord. “O Lord, my God, you are great indeed!”  What wonders you work before the eyes of man!  What glorious speech you bring to our ears!  So far are your ways above our ways; so little of the truth can we weak human beings bear.  But you strengthen us.  You give us your Word.  You anoint us with your Spirit to destroy this sinful flesh and prepare our hearts to receive the grace that comes only by your power.  We praise you, Lord, for the glory you impart to our souls. “May the glory of the Lord endure forever,” and we endure forever in Him.  Let us never be separated from the blessing which comes from the One who never dies, the One who brings life to every creature upon the face of the earth, and in the heavens above.  “Brothers and sisters, live by the Spirit” now.  Hold closely to the gifts He offers freely and powerfully forth this holy day and every day of your lives.  In no other way will you be fulfilled; by no other means will you come to heaven.  The Spirit is the source of all truth and only by His guidance you will hear of the glory of God.  And only by His power will you keep it. In the Church now the Spirit dwells, teaching all her children.  From the four corners they come to receive the bread of life.  Let us be fed well for the time is at hand when all the Lord’s words will be fulfilled, when the Son shall return again.  Our refuge now is the Spirit.  In Him let us place our trust. Written, read & chanted, and produced by James Kurt. Music: "There Is No End to Life" (final part) from Thoroughfare, seventh album of Songs for Children of Light, by James Kurt. ******* O LORD, let us be baptized in your Spirit, renewed for the proclamation of your love. YHWH, comes the driving wind from Heaven, the Spirit Jesus breathes upon His apostles, and so we are made your sons, dear Father, and declare your glory unto all.  May your Church with one voice offer you due praise and teach the nations of your eternal call. We must leave our sins behind and accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit, living as one with the Son of God.  If we keep His commandments, we shall dwell with you forever, O Father God.  For He is with you and through Him you send the Spirit; all who desire to be your children you bless with purging fire this holy day. Now the promised gift of the Spirit falls upon our immortal souls and we are refreshed and made new creatures, formed in the image of Jesus, your Son.  One you make us in Spirit and Body, free from all the works of the flesh.  Your Son stands in our midst and offers us His peace; the Advocate now testifies to all Truth… Come and make your dwelling in us, O glorious LORD and God.