Episode 815 | Democratic Debate Brawl! | The Inept Oligarch | Contested Convention

Published: Feb. 20, 2020, 5:07 p.m.

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Episode 825 |

Last night, we got to see for the first time the reality that the Gods of Capital are inept when compared to us mere mortals of the working class. Mike Bloomberg looked unprepared, unqualified, and mystified that he could not control the stage in the face of the onslaught from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. It was glorious.


All of the candidates except Sanders said they would be okay with a brokered convention. Basically, they're willing to use the super delegate process to secure their own victory even if that means taking democracy away from the voters.


We cannot wait until the convention. We have to address this seizure of democracy now. Let's let the democrats know that we are all walking on a political knife's edge and if they steal our hope from us...


AOC is wokebae. She doesn't center rich men in her universe, she centers working families.


Finally, this is all about you.