Episode 718 | Biden Voters Have Their Matching Outfits READY for Primary Day | What is Pelosi Doing?

Published: Sept. 20, 2019, 5:30 p.m.

Episode 718 | While we are engaged in an "extremely online" battle over the WFP poll, the reaction to that endorsement, the reaction to that reaction and -- I AM NOT EVEN JOKING -- the reaction to the reaction to the reaction to the WFP endorsement, older Biden voters have their outfits ready for Primary Day. They have an advantage that we -- no matter Warren or Sanders -- have to overcome.

And WHAT is Nancy Pelosi doing? I thought about this, and I only have one possibility left that she could be implementing to rid our nation of Donald Trump. "Timing." Timing of impeachment is almost as important as deciding to impeach the president or not. It may be a stretch -- but I think it is the only route she has left to NOT going down as the biggest threat to our Democracy second only to Trump.