7-19-21 | From the Filibuster to the Algorithm: Black People's Fight Against Systems

Published: July 19, 2021, 3:10 p.m.

7-19-21 | From the Filibuster to the Algorithm: Black People's Fight Against Systems
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The Senate filibuster is, yet again, being used as an excuse to not protect voting rights in America -- specifically for Black and brown people who would vote Republicans out of power. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are Democrats doing the bidding of Republicans on this matter.

In addition to the bigotry of the filibuster, we're also having to fight the technology of the algorithm which has penalized our show for debunking covid misinformation. The algorithm conveniently doesn't know the difference between debunking misinformation and spreading misinformation but it certainly knows to demonetize our videos when we discuss Black Lives Matter.

We discuss these stories and more with On the Clock with Georgia Fort and Like it Or Not with Rebecca Azor.

Good morning, and welcome to the Benjamin Dixon Show.