Teaching Skills that Improve Quality of Life with Troy Fry

Published: Feb. 28, 2023, 4:50 p.m.


In Session 218 of Behavioral Observations, Troy Fry joins me to talk about his long career in Behavior Analysis helping individuals with disabilities improve their quality of life by learning meaningful skills.

In particular, we discussed:

  • How he found his way to Behavior Analysis at a time when it wasn\'t nearly as seemingly ubiquitous as it is today.
  • What it was like to be mentored by Ray Miltenberger, Don Baer, Barbara Etzel, \\xa0Montrose Wolf, and more.
  • How Troy became colleagues with Pat McGreevy.
  • A brief history of the treatment of adults with severe developmental challenges in the United States.
  • Troy\'s extensive international work in France and Italy, and what it\'s like to provide services in large, congregate-care facilities.

We also spend a bit of time talking about his talk at the upcoming Verbal Behavior Conference. As he describes in our conversation, EFL is rolling out the Performance Analysis Tool, and his talk at the Verbal Behavior Conference will elaborate on that in more detail.

If you\'re interested in what Troy has to say, consider attending the Verbal Behavior Conference on March 30th and 31st. The on-site event will be held in Austin, TX, but if you can\'t make it there, the virtual event is a fantastic option.

The cool thing about the VBC, especially in-person, is that attendees really have lots of opportunities to interact with the speakers. In fact, at the end of the first day, I have the honor of moderating a panel with all the speakers.

A panel, in this case, is really just an opportunity for you to ask the speakers questions directly. And audience Q and A is open to both virtual and in-person attendees. In fact, in last year\'s conference, we had more questions from our virtual audience!

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\\u2022 \\xa0 \\xa0The aforementioned Verbal Behavior Conference. This is conference is as equally fun as it is informative, and BehaviorLive makes it available virtually as well, so I hope to see you there!
