Black Women and Barriers to Leadership in ABA: Session 151 with Dr. Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi

Published: March 8, 2021, 2:49 p.m.


In Session 151, I chat with\\xa0Dr. Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi\\xa0about a range of topics, but we spent the majority of the time discussing her recent paper in Behavior Analysis in Practice titled:\\xa0Black Women and Barriers to Leadership in ABA. Nasiah is the CEO of two organizations,\\xa0Ulezi, LLC\\xa0and\\xa0Pivot 2 Inclusion.

If you haven\'t read her paper yet, please pause this show and go do so. It\'s a sobering account of some of the struggles faced by Black women in our field. Nasiah highlights her findings in this conversation, so I don\'t want to spoil them here in the introduction, so let\'s just say it\'s unsettling, yet necessary to hear about some of the challenges faced by Black women in our field.\\xa0

Fortunately, Nasiah discusses some potential solutions, and more generally, provides us with some things to think about moving forward. In this episode, we also discussed her upcoming keynote address at this year\'s Virginia ABA conference, which is scheduled for April 16th and 17th. VABA is offering this event as both an in-person conference as well as a virtual experience. It you\'d like to learn more, go to\\, and if you sign up, use the code\\xa0GOMBU\\xa0to save at registration. \\xa0\\xa0

We closed the show out with a brief discussion of what behaviorally-based life-coaching looks like, as that\'s a service that Nasiah has been offering for some time. And then she closes the show with some outstanding advice for Behavior Analysts of all experience levels.\\xa0

Here are the links to the resources we discussed:

I hope you enjoy this conversation as much a I did, and thanks so much for supporting the show!

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