E178 | Kindra Hall: Choose Your Story, Change Your Life

Published: July 19, 2021, 5:01 a.m.

When trying to convince someone or alter their behavior we often lead with facts and figures. Ironically, that might be the LEAST effective strategy for inspiring real, lasting change. Rather, we should utilize the most powerful persuasive ability humans possess: storytelling.


You might roll your eyes or reminisce on bedtime stories as a kid, but good stories aren’t just for fun and laughs- they can quite literally capture audiences, move people to action, and catalyze change. Better yet, storytelling is a skill and just by understanding/utilizing a few simple “ingredients” we have the ability to make our communication that much more convincing. 


Today’s guest, Kinda Hall is a professional storyteller (yes, you read that right!) who teaches leaders, executives and entrepreneurs across countless industries to harness and leverage the power of their stories. Her book, Stories that Stick debuted at #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List and Forbes said it “may be the most valuable business book you read." In 2020, she became the Chief Storytelling Officer of SUCCESS Magazine where she interviews icons like Deepak Chopra and Misty Copeland in an effort to hear and share their stories of success. She is based in New York City with her husband and two children.

On today’s episode we discuss:

  • The 4 essential components to a good story and how to implement them
  • Why every professional needs to become an expert storyteller
  • When to share personal stories and knowing where to draw the line
  • How to create powerful stories from the small moments in life

Connect with Kindra:

Via her books: Stories That Stick and Choose Your Story, Change Your Life (pre-order)

Via Instagram: @kindrahall

Via Twitter: @kindramhall 

As Kindra knows and shared, these days, “It’s not enough to differentiate, you have to be uniquely relevant.” Speaking of, there’s just 1 WEEK LEFT to sign up for our most popular online workshop! 

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