The ANDone Podcast feat Phil Handy - ep 113

Published: April 30, 2020, 3 p.m.

Asticella sempre più alta a The ANDone Podcast. L'abbiamo tenuto in gran segreto, ma questo giovedì vi portiamo un ospite d'eccezione: è venuto a trovarci l'attuale assistant coach dei Los Angeles Lakers, due volte campione NBA come allenatore e campione della British Basketball League come giocatore: Phil Handy ai microfoni di The ANDone Podcast!

Il tutto è nato dall'iniziativa di Luigi Marincola Cattaneo, che ci fa compagnia per questo episodio ed ha bussato alla nostra porta portandoci in regalo Phil.

Handy ha potuto dedicarci una mezz'oretta della sua giornata pienissima, tra videocall con i Lakers e sessioni di allenamento in remoto via la sua app personale. Ne abbiamo approfittato per tempestarlo di domande sulla sua carriera, sul coaching e sulla NBA.

Phil si è dimostrato gentilissimo, un ospite di grande rilievo e con una visione del Gioco maturata in anni di performance ai massimi livelli europei e statunitensi. Un piacere averlo a bordo per cui ringraziamo ancora una volta Luigi!


0:00 Presentazione, introduzione e disclaimer

8:32 Your first days at the Toronto Raptors and the change in the roster

10:10 Your coaching style is based on Footwork, Balance and Ball Handling. How much do you see these fundamentals play a role in today's and tomorrow's basketball? How much have the analytics influenced your approach?

15:39 Sometimes it can occur that a player has learned a certain skill in a "wrong" way. How do you work in a situation like that? How difficult is it for the player to re-learn a skill in a different way?

18:30 The focus on off-the-ball movement has skyrocketed over the last couple of years in the league: how do NBA teams train such skills? Do you have in your organization a Phil Handy for the off-ball-stuff?

22:40 During your first experience in the NBA, you’ve trained some of the highest IQ players of last years in Kobe, Pau, Fisher... how much have you learned from them?

24:51 The peak of a player is generally considered to be from 27 to 30 years old. Do you think that the peak exists? How much does this depends on players approach or on mental/psychological components? And how much a player could improve even more his skill sets during his prime/peak compared to his pre-prime/peak time/early years?

29:16 An important but less known step of your coaching career is the time you spent as a volunteer coach in the D-League Reno Bighorns under the legendary head coach Eric Musselman. But what people don’t know is how you came to know him: tell us about the story of you being a rookie in the CBA and playing against the Florida Beach Dogs

31:49 You have been coaching Lebron in Cleveland and now in L.A. In which aspect of the game do you think he has improved more and is there something that surprised you in these 5-6 years span?

34:55 Talk us through that famous rant during the 2016 Finals. How important is it to have these real moments in a team? And tell us about your 94feetofgame app and how it can help us improve our game.