Interview with Ruth McDermott (pictured) , Nina Kaktins, and Barbara Sattler, authors of Fracking, the Environment, and Health (June 2013)

Published: May 21, 2013, 9:02 p.m.



Ruth McDermott

Nina Kaktins

Barbara Sattler
\\n\\nFracking (high volume hydraulic fracturing) releases natural gas trapped below the earth and involves a process of drilling into the earth and pumping high volumes of water, sand and chemicals (some of which are known to be toxic) under pressure to release the gases. The water is then collected and stored in open air tanks until it can be decontaminated and discarded. Early reports link fracking with contaminated drinking water from leakages as well as health problems for workers, farm animals and residents, including respiratory, skin and eye problems, headaches and other neurological symptoms and fatigue. Editor-in-chief Shawn Kennedy speaks with the authors about how nurses can be involved in monitoring exposure symptoms, raising awareness of hazards and advocating for prevention of public health illness by being proactive.'