That Podcast 3: The Repconn Edition (AAC)

Published: Oct. 23, 2010, 2:36 a.m.



That Podcast: FNV Diary\\n

Welcome to episode 3 of "That Podcast: An FNV Diary" - a podcast where Michael Lucas-Smith and I document our trials and tribulations in Fallout: New Vegas.


This is the Repconn podcast - we talk about the quest to rid the Repconn test facility of ghouls, and the different ways the two of us approached that. Along the way a few other locations came up, including the murder mystery in Novac.


You can subscribe in iTunes (or any podcatcher) using this feed, or this one for the AAC edition. You can get to the podcast directly in iTunes via this link.


If you want to download the podcast directly, I\'ve provided it in three formats:


Enjoy the podcast, and we\'ll see you in the wastelands!


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