That Podcast 10: Joining the Legion (AAC)

Published: Nov. 15, 2010, 6:47 p.m.



That Podcast: FNV Diary\\n

Welcome to episode 10 of "That Podcast: An FNV Diary" - a podcast where Michael Lucas-Smith and I document our trials and tribulations in Fallout: New Vegas.


On today\'s podcast, Michael talks about his new playthrough siding with the Legion, while James talks about his map wanderings, including the "Legendary Geckos" in the southeast. James also talks about getting FNV to run on his Macbook using an XP VM in Parallels - with surprising success. For more details, you might want to check out this and this.


You can subscribe in iTunes (or any podcatcher) using this feed, or this one for the AAC edition. You can get to the podcast directly in iTunes via this link. You can also go to the iTunes store and leave a comment, or join the Facebook Group and discuss the podcast.


If you want to download the podcast directly, I\'ve provided it in three formats:


Got feedback? Send it to James. We\'d really appreciate it if you head on over to iTunes and leave a comment - enjoy the podcast, and we\'ll see you in the wastelands!


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