Ep 12: Pixar Theory/ Marvel Debate

Published: June 29, 2015, 6:14 a.m.

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Today the guys give their impressions about Inside Out. With another Pixar movie added to the catalogue the “Pixar Theory” becomes a point of discussion. Brian voices his worries about the influx of superhero movies coming to a theatre near you. CJ wants to know what Brian and Josh think about the new casting of Peter Parker. We answer a tweet about having a Miles Morales Spider-Man movie. We catch up on what they guys are steaming. Is Josh still watching 30 Rock? Finally we end with a special guest caller who tires to antagonize Brian and Josh.
We highly recommend you check out PixarTheory.com  and Movie Pilot to get more information by people smarter than us.
Picture of superhero movie timeline

Technical Note – The phone call audio came in choppy, attempts were made to correct it without success.
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