Indie, The Mummy, Pirates, and Jumanji Had a Baby

Published: Aug. 4, 2021, 3:31 a.m.


Thanks For Watching Episode 165, Indie, The Mummy, Pirates, and Jumanji Had a Baby,  DJ, Joe and Beth run the show without introducing themselves. DJ is open for flogging or at least some mocking as Gimli is wrongly pronounced. This is a longer show than usual. Apparently, the tangents were mostly on topic. The film this week was Skater Girl (2021) on Netflixl. We also talk about films with John Rhys-Davies in them.  Next week we will talk about a film starting with the letter T for Alphabet Movie Soup, and Paul Giamatti films.  What are your favorites? Let us know with a call or text.


Check us out over there at Patreon.  Our website is and feel free to call or text us at 512-PODCAST.


Possible spoiler marked at 52:23 till 1:03:11


Just hashtags you might like from our show and a way to boost our ratings somehow.  #tfwmovies #thanksforwatching #apostle_ofc  @apostle_ofc #Lists #PaulGiamatti  #SkaterGirl  #JohnRhys-Davies #SocialDistancing #disneyplus #netflix #primevideo  #anchorpodcast #podcast #podcasting #podcasts #NERDA #AlphabetMovieSoup
