Ep 47: 90's Music

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Today's episode was a bit overwhelming to record. I mean there's so much great 90's music to cover and so little time! We sure did try to cram as much as we could into the little time we had so I'm sure there will be a future part 2! In this week's news, we talk about Pearl's comments about RuPaul on Hey Qween! Also, we catch up on all the Jeffree Star drama! Check out the links to the Trade of the Week below and Thanks For Coming! VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s: https://bit.ly/2aFr6Wo Trade: Seth: http://www.instagram.com/pearliaison Stony: http://www.instagram.com/nyledimarco Jamal: http://www.instagram.com/joe_mendous As always, follow, follow, follow! E-mail: tfcpod@gmail.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/tfcpod Facebook: www.facebook.com/thankssforcoming Twitter: www.twitter.com/tfcpod iTunes: https://apple.co/2Hidocj