145: Breakups Are Teachers On Steroids with Kendra Allen

Published: Jan. 21, 2020, noon

In conversation with Chelsea, the Founder of the Breakup Bestie blog and course Kendra Allen opens up about a lesser known detail in her life: her husband today was actually her most pivotal breakup. The catch is, their marriage never would have happened if she hadn’t completely let him go. She talks about breaking with dignity and grace, the emotional scarring that comes from not forgiving ourselves, the vulnerability of pursuing female friendships, the value of saying I love you even as a relationship is ending and it’s unlikely that you’ll hear the sentiment echoed back, saying yes to every invite and activity post-breakup, how evaluating the pattern of men she dated exposed her to what she didn’t believe she was worthy of within herself, and how sobriety helped her ask the better questions like, “how does this lead back to me?”


To connect with Kendra, visit her:

Website: www.breakupbestie.com
Breakup Bestie Online Course: https://www.breakupbestiecourse.com/buy-the-break-up-bestie-course
Blog: https://breakupbestie.com/blog/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourbreakupbestie


Work with Chelsea: www.breakupward.com/shop
Chelsea’s website: www.breakupward.com
Sign up for Chelsea’s newsletter: bit.ly/tyhbletter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thankyouheartbreak
Email: Chelsea@breakupward.com