064: D4, Q4. Not Reacting To Difficult People

Published: Feb. 5, 2019, 3:28 a.m.

Question of the day: Imagine you've sat down with your ex and you've heard what you expected to hear and you've told him or her what you went there to say. You're by yourself now and you're on your way home. You're replaying everything that just happened. The thing is, you don't feel entirely relieved. What else were you hoping he or she would tell you? If you could turn around and go back right now, if you were there looking your ex in the eyes with resilience and courage and a stunning degree of compassion, clarity, and candor, what else would you ask him? What more would you say? Write it all out. Then, say it to yourself. Even if only in a whisper, read your words aloud. Listen to yourself acknowledge the full truth. And yes, you are allowed to feel proud of the love it takes to listen to yourself really, to hear yourself in all your disappointment and dreaminess.Excerpt from Thank You for Being Such a Pain: Spiritual Guidance for Dealing with Difficult People by Mark I. Rosenhttps://www.amazon.com/Thank-You-Being-Such-Pain/dp/0609804146