030: Better Together Than Ever Apart with Carol Gee

Published: Oct. 19, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

After 13 years of marriage, an already quiet man became even more so. Unable to speak to the reason, wife Carol Gee, retired military (AF) veteran, motivational speaker, and 4 time author of Random Notes (About Life, “Stuff” and Finally Learning to Exhale), Gilded Pearls (Vibrant Thoughts, Tips and Tidbits for a Full Life), The Venus Chronicles and Diary of a ‘Flygirl’ Wannabe, asked for a marital time out. In this episode, she brings her infectious laughter and the gift of storytelling to the conversation, sharing with Chelsea a story that has yet to be shared before. That is, the story of breaking up after 13 years of marriage, starting over in a new city without friends, a job, or a spouse, fashioning a new and blessed life as a single person, and returning to her ex, and her marriage, two years later. Fast forward to March of 2018, and Carol and her husband have now celebrated 45 years of marriage and are happier than they have ever been.At minute 22, Carol joins the conversation and opens up about:+ being a talker married to a quiet man+ breaking the status quo after 13 years of marriage + returning to love with only one question, “What will our future look like?” versus “Who have you been dating and why were you distant three years ago?”+ how overcoming her biggest fear showed her the extent of what she could handle + the power of going so far that you can’t turn back + how working in the military turned her into a warrior woman who could initiate the tough but necessary calls+ how the decision to separate is what it took to show them that they were stronger together than apart + was she willing to give up a new relationship that she was still learning for one with her ex that was still unsettled even though there was love there+ the romance of small gestures, like holding your hand to cross the street and detailing your car+ how happily ever after looks different as a young woman than it does for an adult+ the bonding power of adventure in love+ what inspired her to join the air force+ the belief that women support women by sharing what they know+ plus, what you can do on hump day to surprise your significant otherAnd sooooo much more!—Mentioned within this episode:Carol Gee's Mogul Spotlight: https://onmogul.com/stories/thank-you-heartbreak-spotlighting-creatives-30—To connect with Carol Gee, visit: her website & blog: www.venuschronicles.nether books:Random Notes (About Life, “Stuff” and Finally Learning to Exhale): https://www.amazon.com/Random-Notes-Finally-LearningTo-Exhale-ebook/dp/B01FWPGSJEGilded Pearls (Vibrant Thoughts, Tips and Tidbits for a Full Life): https://www.amazon.com/Gilded-Pearls-Vibrant-Thoughts-Tidbits-ebook/dp/B01FWOW1UKThe Venus Chronicles: https://www.amazon.com/Venus-Chronicles-Musings-Feminine-Side/dp/0971489025Diary of a ‘Flygirl’ Wannabe (Life Lessons of a Cool Girl in Training): https://www.amazon.com/Diary-FlyGirl-Wannabe-Lessons-Training/dp/1413714080Carol and her husband were featured in the February 2017 issue of Essence Magazine article, “Standing Up For His Health.” And, How To Help Keep The Men In Your Life Healthy in Essence Magazine: https://www.essence.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/mens-health-advice/—Sign up for Chelsea’s newsletter at: bit.ly/tyhbletterFind Chelsea’s website at: www.breakupward.comWork with Chelsea at: www.breakupward.com/shopConnect and send in your questions and/or letters on Instagram.com/thankyouheartbreak or by email Chelsea@breakupward.com