The Power of Forgiveness (To Fulfill Your Destiny!)

Published: Dec. 24, 2019, 5:11 p.m.

Pamela Hillman knows what it means to be sexually abused, used, betrayed, raped, prostituted and a contract placed on her life from the mafia. Men in her own family system held her hostage to sexual abuse under the threat of death. She was in prison to drugs for more than 35 years through a cocaine addiction and a victim to sexual abuse. Drug dealing led to jail and ultimately prison for 18 months. But that is not the end of the story. Stay tuned to listen to this inspiring story of redemption and incredible forgiveness. Guys, welcome to this week's podcast. Well, I've got a treat for you this week. You know back in 2015, I had been single for several years and just thought that my life was going to be a life of singleness for the rest of my life. And, as it turned out, I ended up going to a movie preview from a friend of mine who produced a movie called Captive. That movie was about a drug addict woman who was taken captive in her apartment in North Atlanta. And, she read the Purpose Driven Life to him and that saved her life. He had already killed three people that day. And, but I was introduced to someone at that movie preview and her name was Pamela and Pamela. And I got to know her from that time and I heard her story and one thing led to the next and we were engaged not long after that. And so today you're going to hear an incredible story of Pamela that had a difficult childhood and that childhood led her into a lot of difficult places. You know, many of us have had difficult pasts but forgiveness is a key point on whether we're going to move past that difficulty. There are people that have betrayed us, used us, abused us, and so what do we do with that? And so, Pamela has a story of forgiveness. Her story is unlike anybody that I know. And so this week we are featuring a talk she recently gave at our church here in North Atlanta in Dawsonville, Georgia -- Christ fellowship. And this talk is an extraordinary talk on redemption and forgiveness. So I hope that you'll benefit from what she has to say and we'll see you at the end. God bless Pastor: I've grown to love a couple of them. And now a part of the our fellowship. I discovered Os Hillman years ago, nearly two decades ago. I think he is one of the most prolific authors. I would encourage you to research Os and to go to and buy everything that you have read. But Os is not speaking tonight. His wife Pamela is speaking to us tonight. I got to know her and we had lunch one time with Karen, my wife to discover her story. As I said this morning, every speaker at the North Georgia revival, and we had felt a particular leading to bring her before you. I sense the presence of God so strongly. When I invited her, I knew what would happen in this evening. There will be breakthrough tonight. There will be breakthrough tonight in people's lives. How many of you would like to have breakthrough in your life, your family? You don't need to pull out your phone and I want you to share the link of the North Georgia revival because you're going to want to have the story coming into the advices of people that you love. Christ fellowship awesome is our Facebook page. And you can go there right now, Chrysler shift Austin, he'll find the lightning if you will. And share. Are you going to download the orange? Add the ISN app. It's Supernatural app. Download it. And we are being broadcast all over the world. So I want you to make sure that you share the link. Christ fellowship Dawson. So without any further ado, I want to introduce this video clip on Pamela Hillman. She will come right after the short video. So are you ready for breakthrough? inside of you? The breakthrough is inside of you. It's one decision away. You have to make a choice. So let's get ready. Okay, awesome. So I have to tell you about my grandmother. I had a praying grandmother. And if you have a praying grandmother that is the key to your life ,it's important to pray for your children. She played the piano for the church for 65 years. She would cook for the pastors. They came to the home and this one jolly old pastor evens everybody puts his hand on me and he says, “You’re special. She's going to do great things for God. The enemy heard that. The enemy heard that this one here is special. We're all special in God's family. We're all special. When this seed is planted, that was an impartation. I didn't know it at the time, but the enemy came into steal that seed, and it was through my dad. So I was outside playing and there was this little puppy. So I bring this dog home and I said, “Dad, can I have this puppy?” I'm five years old. My mom and my sister aren't home. He said, “Come upstairs with me. You can have the puppy.” I had taken a nap with my dad before. I don't think anything about this. I go upstairs, lay down, and then something happens. So I go running out of the room, go downstairs, and my puppy was gone. The seed was planted. I can get what I want by going on upstairs. The enemy came in right after the impartation. We are in a battle, you have to know these tactics of the devil. Okay? So by the age of five it was my dad then my uncle then it was my godfather and the godfather was the worst and he had continued on. I was told that I would be killed if I said anything. Actually after I did tell my mom, she didn't believe me when he was with my dad. And then my sister started having my sister. Then she finally threw my dad at God. I thought I caused that. I caused my dad to have to leave and I wasn't going to have a daddy anymore. Watch carefully. It's a trauma that the enemy brings in. So I was choked, raped, ran over and shot at. I knew Jesus was praying through my grandmother. I accepted Jesus as a child. I didn't know what that was. I mean, she took me to her Bible study, but I didn't really know what that was. But He was with me. When I was shot. I was sitting in a chair. It made a complete circle around me. The chair had holes in it. The picture of my, my head was shattered. I knew, I knew, I know my grandmother was praying for me. There was an angel in front of me and do it. I'm going to run it out of the room. Oh my liver. I was in so many car accidents. I was in a body cast. I was mauled in this body, and in a wheelchair for a long time. They said I wouldn't walk again. I mean, I'm running today. However, I did cocaine for 35 years. That destroyed my liver. I destroyed my liver three times. I was in the hospital one time when I was on the dying ward with cancer patients and I didn't even know it. I said, “Why am I on this ward?” And they said, “You're dying.” I said, “Well, can I get another liver?” “No, you don't have enough time. You have about six months.” So, you know, I got involved in dealing large amounts through this Colombian mafia guy. One time I kicked his door and so he put a hit out on me. It was stupid. This is a Columbia mafia guy and it doesn't matter what you do when that happens. But somebody that worked for him contacted me. I was at a lowpoint in my life. I didn't care and so I went to him expected to be killed. I always carried a gun and I just said, you know, do whatever. I can't live with this anymore. I was sleeping with a gun under my pillow and showering with a gun and I just can't live like that. I'm here to reconcile something, okay? Or just do it! So I got tired of running and did this for 35 years. I was on such destruction. Everything that I did that I turned to it was the same guy with a different face. I concluded it was always everybody else's fault. It was dad's fault. It was my mom's fault for not watching over me. Right? It's always somebody else's fault. So we blame others for our situations. What words you're listening to? We must remake our brains. Demons are going into your soul and you're speaking to them throughout your life. You've got to be careful about your words. They have power. They really have so much power in any, that's the enemy's tactic. He wants us to play the game. It's all the combinations that you can't get out of it. You're in this confrontation within, and I'm going to tell you about the confrontation here shortly. And so I have this big house. I had the hummer and all the vehicles. I was dealing drugs and with drugs comes prostitution. I was miserable. I had 1800 stamp collecting books, a gun collection, vehicles and a big house and I was miserable. That did not make me happy. I would be sitting on the bed or sitting on the sofa and I would have my Bible open next to me in my lap. I had to have a crack pipe, a line of cocaine, you know, and I was watching TBN while taking drugs. People ask, why are you watching that when you're doing drugs. “I'm never going to get out of this if I don’t watch Christian programming. I knew Jesus and I know he was the only one that could get to me. So I was like, if you want to hear it, go to another room. I'm not turning it off, you know? So that was my point of surrender. I was praying. I said I don't care if you put me in an institution or jail. But I didn't know he was going to do it quite this way this time. So my point of surrender was to go to prison. Oh my gosh. When you really surrender and you're asking God to get you out, that is when I get pulled over by the cops. They don't find anything, but I go to the bathroom. And then the Lord spoke to me and he said, “I thought you wanted this to be over.” And I said to do. And he said, “Well tell him about the drugs in the car in the backseat of the police car.” He was taking me to jail for violations of probation. So it was my choice. That was my decision. I had to, no matter what the consequences were, say, “I'm ready.” I went out there and I told the officer I put drugs in the back of your car. He in this inflamed red face, you said, I already knew that and they tried to get me 20 years and I'm like kicking and screaming and say, no thank God. It wasn't for me. It wasn't just for me, it was me, but it wasn't just for me because when I was there, like I said, my 20 years, because I got five years, God can raise me with five to three and I spent 18 months, that 18 is my number now. My birthday is December 18 and you can go into the prison 18 months and I got out November 18. Okay. My point of surrender wasn't prison and I was trying to get all this stuff and I've been to treatment before. I knew that was just a short my time. And then I said, I'm using, use me in here heaters longer. She gave me more because he was speaking to me. He told me, he said, this is your college campus. I brought him here to train and equip you for what I have prepared for you. I said, Hey, this is my first mission field. I started this class for women. They want to change so bad. They were so angry. They saw me happy all the time. I was like, Oh, everyone's skipping and happy. They said, how can you be happy? You're in prison. It is so prevalent and people are like, this is the age and this is what the enemy is doing is it's adoption. Okay, and he's got to be mindful of this and I'm like figuring out what is causing me to go back to this. When I would relapse and go back to the drug, it was the because of many insecurities from a lot of the wounds that hadn't been addressed from the sleeping with a guy and then going back to drugs because of the pain. So I'm studying all these books and the Holy spirit spoke to me in my room. He said, the only thing that will change your mindset is the word of God, memorize it. This is the only way. My other book is and it will be done. My story will be out in spring. But anyways, so the journal book was about this size. I started from the very beginning of it. And I went through the book to the theory and theory first ever memorized to the theory. If you are intentional, if you want to have a change, you've got to do it on purpose. You got get up and make that decision and say, okay, I've got to do this for my own self to change. I was sitting on the toilet, I'm get a picture of a toilet paper roll. And the Holy Spirit says the center represents Jesus. The Holy Spirit fills you. The inside of the white of the toilet paper is our soul. What are we going to do with all of this garbage? It's the world and self putting in the shame, the guilt, the condemnation, the jealousy, all the anger. What are we going to do with it? It's the sanctification process of tearing off the sheet purposefully to do it.I said some people have a lot more stuff. He said the Lord spoke and he said, Hey, I want you to write down every name of everybody who was wronged you. I didn't remember some of the names because I've been raped. I didn't know their names and started praying in the spirit over them because my printer was, that was my, he said just put your hands on the paper. Greatest fear. Cause I know Holy spirit since I was 26 so that was core to my sanctification. I've been in the segregation process since I tried to commit suicide when I was 26. So anyway I reviewed all the names on the paper and began praying in the spirit over them and something happened in me. And he taught me to put my name at the end. He gave me this analogy. Look in the mirror and quote scriptures to say who I am. He says, I am the word of God and you gotta do it on purpose. This is all on purpose y'all. You got to be intentional about your process of sanctification, okay? You already said you got to use this. There's a process. My heavenly father will do the same to you if each of you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart. Okay, I can do it from my heart. I saw Holy Spirit work through me and for you. Okay? Again, had a lot of sickness. I had a lot of stuff going on in my body, handed over to the torturers evil one. Where is there unforgiveness? He's a torturer. We've got to release it. Writing on the piece of paper. How did you forgive all these people? And myself took me a long time for a couple of weeks. I just, I got to tell you what Greg did. So many I saw on a piece of paper, and I'm going to tell you this is the story towards the end, but at least they're on the phone. My soul, they were in my soul. It was great. I started praying for their salvation, for their healing, for their minds to get right. Do that. And I'll tell you the story in just a bit. Okay. So when I get out, I'm going to tell you this 100%. So when I get out of prison in 2010, my son who was here with me, praise God, he's getting bad taste today. And yeah, um, God has reconciled us. But, um, so I went in to get life insurance because I'm thinking I need to go take out the life. So I go and I guess they'd have to go to the doctor they call me. This nurse calls me and she says, I thought you might want to know about this. Yes. And I'm thinking I knew somebody right. And she said, well, you are one of 1% of the Americans with 100%. And she said, there's only 1% of Americans that have 100% of the people, all of that garbage for me. Didn't matter how long I was in there, I told them these women were coming up to me after my class, the daughters of science class, and they were saying, you don't know what it's like. This happened to me and that happened to me. I did this and that. And I'm like, I liked it dad. Maybe not to that extreme, but that happened to me. I can relate. I can relate to all these. I know why I had to go to all of these things. So they're stable. Well, the Lord taught me to pray scripture. He says in Genesis one 26 that created in his right and he also says in Isaiah 55:11 so shall my word be those forth from my mouth. Please. What are you sending out of your mouth? So I created these workbooks and I was like, okay, I was on this module or changed and um, Oh, it's great. It's on identity, everything but Google change. I need an acronym, maybe more in the morning habits around new bro every day. Good. So it's rewiring your brain every bit of it. Every day, every night when you sleep, you're rewiring your brain. Something can rewire your brain to the neck. Okay? You've got to pay attention. Don't get up in the morning. Oh my gosh. I get out of here and go on the table. God's given me so many dreams. I had one dream. We're in my day room and I fell asleep. I don't ever fall asleep this morning I did. And the Bible starts breathing. I heard decoding the Bible, then Os walks in ourday room, door opens and wakes me up. I know you weren't expecting part of the condemnation that was so deep in my soul were things that happened with him. If I allow it to happen because I wasn't the mother that he deserved and that, that just, it's still, you know, it still has a place. It's not a wound anymore, but it's a low place dead and he's done okay. For 20 something years, I never really pray this, but when so many would ask me about my mom, I would say she lives in an apartment. We've lived in an apartment all my life, you know, and she's ever had a house. I'm going to buy my mom a house one day. And I know, I knew. I didn't know. I never knew how it's going to happen, but I kept saying it, the power, they are so critical. Y'all did know that I was going to buy out six months after I got out of prison, the guy's dead. So my dad had got reconciled with my dad, while I was in prison and he was writing and he had dementia and he started it just really bad. So I sit down, I'm going to come take care of you. I'm going to come live with you. And he got so bad that, uh, they contacted me and said, he's in hospice and he's not gonna make it. You're not going to get Amazon. Well, it did. I prayed, I prayed. He says, God, I got to see my dad more time, please. So we've got an inverse. He got steam on Saturday and it was just [inaudible] seven. He was already dead in this chair. His eyes are all [inaudible] six or four. It's horrible. But when I got to and I got to tell him I forgive him and he started crying, he was waiting for me any time the next day. So I know the power of forgiveness when I was given a say and that $65,000 center and I knew what I was going to do with it. I bought my mom a house. It's a freezer other than the $70,000. We got it for $62,000. It's actually in the workbooks about my story. But all these stories are the power of our words. You know, you've got to speak the word. And I was praying for my child and got to take me into a mountain for a year. And then Jesus, you know, he's my Lord Satan. I didn't know he was my husband. When I brought him home, God multiply. I didn't so these are some other women. This is our Daughters of Zion for women. Can God use your time wisely? We have this is where she is anointed. Y'all okay. Go to the website, download this, this career shift because I went to my room and I said, what you heard the request they needed for your sheet. And so I was actually, I was leaning over somebody in the prison and never on her badge over her bed. She was in a whole rhythmic accident. Only some people were killed. She was on a Tuesday it off outside detail. Okay. In the whole ban for the women. And some of the women did die, some of their arms and legs, but she saw this bright light in the band and she was in a bubble and nothing happened. I was praying there were women and then she had this beautiful, it was like, they said, well, we'll pray over mornings or after she was sick and they made us all get out. But let me tell you, we never [inaudible], we never get to come together. We got to see each other name the next day in the cafeteria. And the Lord orchestrated that because she said the Devens choked her every time she got on her knees, she couldn't. She stayed so many countless women just led them to me too. He always had me in his, well, the Lord at the ministry is to borrow ministries but life changers legacies and he says those among you, you shall raise up the foundations. I feel so blessed to be in this search. I am so blessed and I know the annoyances. I am so honored to be you. Okay? It's not just the people in prison, they're the bridge bridges, your neighbor, the person you're sitting next to. We all have a condition or something. Okay. And we need to be praying one another, loving each other through it. Not judging because the Lord has taken me through a lot of courses and it's all preparation for the women to know, to be prepared to be geared at the training. And I have a brand team. I have a lot of Gaston and family team over here. I'm thankful for my team here and my family. Yes. So in my recent ordination is a chapel and now the Lord told me to become a number of deans for his forum, for his people. So through the different workshops, different counseling classes, everything that I've been in training for the last 10 years. So it's been nine years. I've created this workbook series and it's to go back home to the person. So each woman, we're this presence. So if you want to be a mentor, we do accept as well. This is the thing, I wanted to go into the dorm with them. We had security issues and different people. It was just purpose. So I waited on the Lord, prayed into it, all my experiences or I don't just like the dog. It's important that I tell him the moment when I go into the person, I say, this is just good. Boom, it's an important place. We got to know we weren't in that dark place because he is in the secret police. Right? So this one box came out of my story, my certifications. And I do have a lot of other people's material. And here I've got a couple of bosses pieces and we provide everything that is necessary for the psychotherapy. It's all therapeutic interventions, meaning the psychotherapy, the [inaudible] model, the cognitive, behavioral, everything. There are all kinds of programs. Like you said, they don't have Jesus. They're only a little stepping stone. So each woman, we provide a mentor for them to walk alongside. So the mentor gets a workbook as well. [inaudible] aged, soar. Both are getting the yelling. Yes. We rely on mentors and partnerships. Let me say anything or everything. We go to a national prayer breakfast and I've been on a 30 day fast and this was day 35 and I hadn't had chocolate. And I said, [inaudible] go upstairs. And I told him I was almost [inaudible] you sure you want to get back on top? We walked around the corner, we walk up the stairs. And um, did you take the video? Nope. Um, so every time I saw Michael Lindale on the TV with my pillow, I said, let him know how great his pillow is. So little did I know going upstairs to get my chocolate. You telling him about my story and that is, you're not going to see a picture of me. [ wow. It was horrible. So if you'll play that video. Thank you. I first met Pamela Hillman at the national prayer breakfast. We share stories of drug addiction and finding freedom through Jesus Christ. I realized that it was a divine appointment by God. He had brought us together to help others who struggle with drug addiction. Since then, I've learned all about Pamela's amazing one-on-one mentoring program for those in prison and those coming out of prison. This mentoring program is one of the best like they receive. And that's why I chose the partner with Pamela and Life Changers Legacy. I'm endorsee that I saved reprogram and I encourage you to support this life changing ministry as well. This is one of the best ministries ever. So, as we do have more workbooks, but it's really easy to just, um, he's using his workbooks in his Lindale recovery network. He's opening in January in Minnesota, so there and they had stacks and stacks of books in their room that this licensed counselor she had gone through and she says, that's awesome. So you visited me in person? Yeah. This is the community thing. So many people were like, I don't want to hear them. Neither do I, but the Lord made this program so easy. It is all done. Any video visit, you don't even have dementia. Somebody inside the prison, you do it to your computer and it's 30 minutes to an hour when it's so simple, isn't it? I've had to reserve him. I was wondering if you give me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you visited me and you did it to your community then, okay, how many times are we doing any of these? Are you stopping or are you saying they're just going to buy drugs? So I did, but I gave him a dollar. I give him $5 because I trust that person. It is my duty. It is their choice. And God knows my anointed dollar isn't going into their hands. It is going to infuse their [inaudible]. If I come up to you and I to say, Hey, how are you today? Because you might, she might make something like he does and he's working through me and I purposely do that every day. Everything you did. So now I'm going to tell you about that. Their biggest forgiving moment. I told you about the letters that I made. All people, right? Mostly guys, well, prostitution, business, drug, business, all of it. Um, I had a, uh, my, the business I had was a lot of wealthy men. They flew in from other States too. And um, I was just one year. But anyway, this one guy, uh, he was just need people. Uh, I, I was at this party, this place and um, and he was ugly. He to people. And, uh, he was very wealthy man, but in all the women were genuine and he wanted me and I said, no, there's no amount of money that you ever offer me because you know, I didn't like his attitude, how he treated people. And I still had a heart for people. Even though I was in sin, my soul wasn't affected. I didn't know how to get out of that. These women in prison, we have to beat the other hands if we want them to change. If we want our societies to change, 90%, 90%, are we going to do something about it? So there's one guy, he says, I'll have you, I'm going to get you. I didn't really think much about it. And um, so I go to this person's house. I had this guy who's like a big brother and he was kind of, my bodyguard went everywhere with me. And so I go to this, this house I was invited to and um, I wake up and nobody's there and I'm in a puddle and he's, you know, my big brother guy. And when I left and got in touch with him, he called me and he says, I'll help you get in. I'm going to help you get it. We're going to talk is, and I was like, what happened? What happened? And he said, he came in, you and the other room, he came in at eight, you go water money. And um, six other guys walked in behind him and they pushed everyone out of the room. And I said, yeah, I want to get in there. You know, that wasn't my soul, that violation, that trauma. I held that and I had hatred it because of that. I lived in that and I didn't drink for that man, but the Holy spirit on that piece of paper when I was in prison and I was praying over it, the Lord gave me a vision of this man as the man who was being raped repeatedly. We don't know what all of these people that are creating all these offenses, we don't really know what's happened in their soul and their life. We've got to back up and say, okay, Sarah, what happened to them? You know, this is not just about us. So I saw that and I started weeping for him. I started to bring for his soul and I get out. It was about three months later, I met a store and this man walks in front of me and when he said, thought you out, you know the whole memory, everything flashed for me and I froze. But he started crying and he said, I've come to Jesus and I have to ask your forgiveness. It was like to hear y'all. I don't know it. I don't know. Prayer of putting my hands on that paper and none of them, his name people. Okay, think about it. How many words have pierced hearts of our families and we're carrying our souls ready to release. Is it time? It's time y'all. You can't move forward and like this was your ride for the breakthrough. It's up to you. Yeah. This was my biggest challenge. It was the self forgiveness because of my children. Hers too though. I come with them so much, but he's [inaudible]. I've had four boys, four different men. I gave up one for adoption at birth, having ever seen another one. I chose to sign him over and say she was old. 13 months. [inaudible] his life. I'm wanting to have him to have a good life and I didn't trust myself and that was 20 something years ago. I know we won't be back because I was weeping in the prison. And I said, Lord, tell him that my children took her forgiveness and the Lord. I said, Lord, speak to me randomly of the word to Jeremiah 31 60 says, refrain your voice for me. Says a lot of stuff. And then at the very end it says, your children shall return to their own orders. I'm trusting my father. I'm trusting. Most importantly, I want them to know. I want them to know Jesus wherever they want. That's the most important border. So you know we can live in this invisible prison of I forgiveness and has sickness, have headaches, have different diseases and anger, anger. I had rejection issues. I had so many issues in the past 25 years. Billboard is just toilet paper sheets off it is my cheese. It's my decision and it's your decision. It's up to you to release the forgiveness, the unforgiveness and receive his forgiveness. It's so hard to do. Active your will. Faith is the activating force, what we believe. What do you believe? What is your belief? That's really the question. You keeping the unforgiveness or somebody that offended you. You're staying in a prison, you're not doing anything. But watch what happens when you step forward and you say, I release it to you. I really see your forgiveness. I can't do it anymore. And it does that to you. It says [inaudible], I've had so many new tools in my life and I know it's the cause of decision. It's because of making it on purpose, doing things every day. Give me the time that I was going to give up the baby for adoption. Christmas three years old and um, I wasn't getting Chell. Some were Brown and I didn't want him to go through a bad wife. I didn't want both of them to go through a bad wife. And so I made that decision. But while I was in prayer, all of a sudden the walls I've been through for hours, over and over, but the wall opened up. All of a sudden this pass everywhere, little sparks everywhere. I rolled my eyes cause I thought, I've just been crying too, right? But something led me to look to the left. There was a huge, huge one, waves bigger than a door. There was a veil on the face. I couldn't make out if it was male or female, but it didn't matter. This is liquid piece that I knew I was making the right decision. I knew that I needed to give him up there. There've been so many times I've seen it, a spirit realm. I've seen evil. I wasn't on drugs. I've seen a man transform right before my eyes into it to an Eagle spirit. So many people that are carrying the unforgiveness, it as a spirit, it is a spirit. Don't let it overtake you. Tell me it won't be able to shoot every aspect of your life. I invite you. Anyone here that has any unforgiveness, stand out. Bring it to the Lord. prayer ripped in the walls. There are more Holy spirit. All those places. Oh, there's two places. All those words say you have no more rights. There's more than one person name. You said fill those places right now. Overflowing joy. Freedom out of your soul. Don't listen to the enemy when he comes back and reminds you, don't listen to it. It's out of your soul. Say Jesus, I trust you. [inaudible] forgive me. [inaudible] when someone [inaudible] give me your, give me your, let me know what they're going through. Let me pray for them. Help me remember that I rely on you. Holy spirit. Every part of my life, I am free. Say it. You have free. Don't listen to the enemy, okay? If the Lord you are afraid to release, you just said it comes off. It reminds you where the person even comes back to mg, step back and say, no, that's been released for fame. Keep reminding yourself. Laura says, we got to remind yourself. Remind yourself, no release for me saying that's a lie. I'm not receiving that. And you'd get a worn out and not receive things, okay? Because the enemy's gonna walk through people. He gets to people he works through people. See, I'm not receiving those words. When they told me , where is it? I said, I don't receive those words. I never see those words because in the hospital with this disease, but they never told me it was up diagnosis. And so I said, no, it tells me I'm healed. And it's like, Oh, you're one of these Jesus freaks. And I said, no, no. I had Jesus long before I came to prison, three Skype. And so Joseph, before I had to take blood work before I got out, every time I've wanted, I said, I don't receive their scores. I don't receive it. So this day I'm about to get out and they take the blood work. The doctor opens in the fall and he says, something's wrong. I said, no, nothing's wrong. It's three orders, another test, and they come back. It's the same thing. And he says, looks like you're Jesus. Do you know why God made you? Do you know your purpose? Did you know there is a book in heaven with your name on it? OS Hillman has created an informative called out to discover why God made you. That will help you discover the answers to these and more questions about purpose calling and God's will for your life. This downloadable resource is yours free by going to that's