I was ready to give up...

Published: April 1, 2020, 4:58 p.m.

She was ready to give up. She’d lost all hope. But after she connected with me and started receiving my teaching and mentorship, her whole life turned around. Find out why in this week’s podcast. Last year Gina was on the verge of giving up when the Holy Spirit told her to sign up for my TGIF devotional. My lesson on adversity and the Joseph Calling helped Gina to understand what she had been going through for 12 years. During my teaching she realized I was speaking directly to her situation. She reached out to me to share how God met her. I invited her to send me an email and she did, telling me all of the adversity she had been going through for the past 12 years. In the letter she sent me some scriptures the Holy Spirit had highlighted to her over the years and when I sent her my book on “The Joseph Calling” she realized they were the very same scriptures in my book that the Holy Spirit kept reminding her about. Since being a member of the Change Agent MasterMentor Program she has come to the revelation that she has a destiny and that during the time she went through adversity God was preparing her for her destiny. She explained that my podcasts, weekly TGIF devotional and teaching presentations in the Change Agent MasterMentor Program have been important in her maturation process. She further explained that since being a member, she has seen God do 4 major things in her life… 1. Started an international 24 hour intercessors group. 2. Begun a ministry that provides online Bible studies and discipleship of all those who are part of it. 3. Mentored 3 people. 4. Received business opportunities from all over the world to incubate and assist clients to grow to the next level by providing strategic management advice. Which has also opened doors to governmental officials. “I’m grateful to Os for his assistance and have come to realize God has equipped people like Os to assist us in order to fulfill His will has for us. Os has helped me grow so much and I am, in turn, pouring that living water into others,” said Gina. “Opportunities are endless when you walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and permit those who are called to coach you to the next level to do so by submitting to their leadership,” she said. Hear more from Gina in this short video interview I did with her recently.