Texas Biker Radio #268 - 9-11 Memorial Ride - Labeling In Waco

Published: Sept. 10, 2017, 1 a.m.

b'With Butch "Popeye" Moss & Mel "OG" Robins of Sons Of Liberty Riders MC\\n\\nTonight\'s Show: 9-11 Memorial Ride Getting Close - 5th Year - Judges & Stuff - The Col. Speaks & Sings - Waco It\'s All About Labeling - Fighting Back - Nobody agrees 100% - Exposing the truth -\\n\\nHurricane Irma: Worlds largest evacuation or traffic jam - media hype - Go West but not too far - Homeless shuffle - stranded at sea - Navy ships on the way -\\xa0\\n\\nMad Max: Total hysteria - OMG - PSA Mad Max Identified as IT - Rumors Mad Max Fights George Soros For Antifa Leadership\\xa0\\n\\nHillary: Bernie colluded with Russia - OMG \\xa0\\n\\nDenmark: No More Refugees -\\xa0Who\'s next\\n\\nBrothels going for moaning sex bots - replacing the real thing\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nAll That Stuff & More On Texas Biker Radio #268'