Texas Biker Radio #253 - Queensland Is Here

Published: July 7, 2017, 6:30 p.m.

b'With Mel "Popeye" Moss & Mel "OG" Robins of Sons Of Liberty Riders MC\\n\\n\\n\\tFriday\'s Show: Queens Land Is Here - Popeye & OG explains why they say the Draconian measures taken by the Legislators in Australia have reached our shores and are being implemented through the courts and the fake media - It\'s eye opening brothers & sisters -\\n\\n\\n\\tMore: Coco Loko - Texas Ports Booming - The media deserves an ass whoopin not only for the hate they spew over DT \\xa0But for the lies they perpetuate on behalf of OPO\'s - CNN leads the fake news category\\n\\n\\n\\tTexas Bikers: Hundley Is Near - Media Hawk - 15 min of Fame\\n\\n\\n\\tEnvironmental: \\xa0Greenland reports coldest July ever - Solr Flares slowing\\n\\n\\n\\tWorld: Polish Chants USA - Anti Global protesters - Gestapo Goes After Unauthorized protesters - No Way Norway -\\n\\n\\n\\tThe Next Life: Come back as a shark\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\tAll That Stuff & More on Texas Biker Radio #253'