27: Mahmoud Hashemi : unit, integration, and system testing

Published: Feb. 26, 2017, 4 p.m.

What is the difference between a unit test, an integration test, and a system test? Mahmoud Hashemi helps me to define these terms, as well as discuss the role of all testing variants in software development. What is the difference between a unit test, an integration test, and a system test? TDD testing pyramid vs testing column the role of testing in software development web frameworks listen to wikipedia hatnote the world’s largest photo competition Enterprise Software with Python Links: Mahmoud on twitter: @mhashemi (https://twitter.com/mhashemi) Mahmoud on sedimental (http://sedimental.org/) hatnote (http://blog.hatnote.com/) listen to wikipedia (http://listen.hatnote.com/) Montage (https://blog.wikimedia.org/2016/12/22/montage-platform-wiki-loves-monuments/), the web platform used to help judge the world’s largest photo competition clastic (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/clastic) 10 Myths of Enterprise Python (http://sedimental.org/10_myths_of_enterprise_python.html) Enterprise Software with Python (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920047346.do?code=authd) course Enterprise Software with Python (http://sedimental.org/esp.html) blog post. Special Guest: Mahmoud Hashemi.