104: Top 28 pytest plugins - Anthony Sottile

Published: March 4, 2020, 8:45 a.m.

pytest is awesome by itself. pytest + plugins is even better. In this episode, Anthony Sottile and Brian Okken discuss the top 28 pytest plugins. Some of the plugins discussed (we also mention a few plugins related to some on this list): pytest-cov pytest-timeout pytest-xdist pytest-mock pytest-runner pytest-instafail pytest-django pytest-html pytest-metadata pytest-asyncio pytest-split-tests pytest-sugar pytest-rerunfailures pytest-env pytest-cache pytest-flask pytest-benchmark pytest-ordering pytest-watch pytest-pythonpath pytest-flake8 pytest-pep8 pytest-repeat pytest-pylint pytest-randomly pytest-selenium pytest-mypy pytest-freezegun Honorable mention: - pytest-black - pytest-emoji - pytest-poo Special Guest: Anthony Sottile.