Sports Analyst Sean Reed & Boston Resident Richard Furtrell Tell Us The Truth

Published: Oct. 28, 2020, 1:31 p.m.

Episode 13: Why Trump Why Biden

With the 2020 Presidential Election just days away it's time for two average voters to "Tell Us The Truth" about who they're voting for and why. Combat Sports Analyst, Father and Texas Native Sean Reed joins the returning Father and Lifelong Boston Resident Richard Futrell in a detailed and at times heated discussion about the 2020 Presidential Election. You'll hear both guests butt heads about Domestic Terrorism, Immigration, Taxes, Systemic Racism and detailed reasons why one is voting for Trump and the other is voting for Biden. Two Black American Men with so much in common who are vastly different when it comes to political ideology. This is exactly the kind of honest and unfiltered conversation you don't want to miss!

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