168: Exploring Child Influencers, AI Scams and Is this United States ready for Robo-Taxis: A Dive into the Tech World AI with Phil Hennessy on "Chat about Chat" and we have a date for Apple's iPhone 15 | Air Date: 8/27 - 9/2/23

Published: Aug. 30, 2023, 1 p.m.


Ready to unravel the tangled world of technology? Join us as we tread the uncharted territories of child influencers, AI scammers, and America's readiness for robo-taxis. Engage with us in a riveting discussion about Illinois' new law to safeguard the earnings of child influencers and the ethical dilemmas that come with it. Are these kids entitled to their earnings? Let's mull over it together.

Brace yourselves as we bring back Phil Hennessey, our AI maven, to help us navigate through the fascinating and sometimes perplexing realm of artificial intelligence. Ever wondered how AI could potentially predict hurricanes or detect alien signals? Phil will enlighten us with his valuable insights. We also turn our attention to the world's largest battery backup facility in Fairbanks, Alaska, and address the celebration of John Locke's birthday and Individual Rights Day.

We round up the episode by sharing an unfortunate Technology Fail of the Week and a contemplative moment during Mike's Mesmerizing Moment. And, of course, we\\u2019ll lift our spirits by tasting our whiskey pick of the day, rating it sans any sugarcoating. So, grab your favorite drink, sit back, and let's explore the tech world together. We guarantee an hour of intriguing tech tales, discussions, and, of course, some good old whiskey sipping!

Episode 168: Starts at 1:30

This week on TechTime with Nathan Mumm\\xae, A new Illinois law wants to ensure child influencers get a share of their earnings, as AI scammers blew millions on Lake Como wedding cars and more. Is this United States ready for robotaxis? It is dividing San Francisco, and we have the story. Plus, AI Expert Phil Hennessy is back for our segment CHAT about CHAT, and we discovered a city covered with the most extensive battery backup in our segment, "This Week in Technology."

Join us on TechTime Radio with Nathan Mumm, the show that makes you go "Hummmm" Technology news of the week for August 27th \\u2013 September 2nd, 2023

--- [Now on Today's Show]: Starts at 2:55

--- [Top Stories in Technology]: Starts at 4:06

--- [Pick of the Day - Whiskey Tasting Reveal]: Starts at\\xa0 27:55
Early Times Bottled-In-Bond Bourbon\\xa0 | 100 Proof | $20.95

--- [Chat on Chat with Guest Phil Hennessy]: Starts at 29:45
Today we welcome back Phil in a monthly segment called "Chat about Chat" Join us as we are about to embark on a fascinating journey into the future of AI

--- [This Week in Technology]: Starts at 42:26
August 27, 2003, World\\u2019s Largest Battery Backup facility was completed

--- [Marc's Whiskey Mumble]: Starts at 44:20
Marc Gregoire's review of this week's whiskey

--- [Technology Fail of the Week]: Starts at 48:01
Toyota said today it has been hit by a technical glitch forcing it to suspend production at all 14 factories in Japan.

--- [Mike's Mesmerizing Moment brought to us by StoriCoffee\\xae]: Starts at 49:43

--- [Nathan Nugget]: Starts at 51:15
Nathan talks about Apple's big release date for iPhone 15

--- [Pick of the Day Whiskey Review]: Starts at 53:08
Early Times Bottled-In-Bond Bourbon\\xa0 | 100 Proof | $20.95
Mike: Thumbs Up
Nathan: Thumbs Up
