136: On TechTime with Nathan Mumm, Best of The Best Items from CES 2023 in the Category of Health and Fitness with our Guest James Riddle. Two-story 3D-printed homes, and an AI-written and illustrated children's book. | Air Date: 1/15 - 1/21/23

Published: Jan. 19, 2023, 2 a.m.


Episode 136: Today on TechTime with Nathan Mumm, TechTimes Best of the Best from CES 2023 starts as part one of our three-part review. Today we focus on Health and Fitness with our TechTime medical expert James Riddle joining us. Next, do you want two-story 3D-printed homes, or why is the Seattle school system accusing social media platforms of increasing students' anxiety and depression in a lawsuit? Finally, How much would you pay for an AI-written and illustrated children's book? In addition, we have our standard features, including "Mike's Mesmerizing Moment," "This Week in Technology," and a possible "Nathan Nugget."

Join us on TechTime Radio with Nathan Mumm, the show that makes you go "Hummmm" Technology news of the week for January 15th \\u2013 21st, 2023.

Episode 136: Starts at 1:35

--- [Now on Today's Show]: Starts at 3:29

--- [Top Stories in The First Five Minutes]: Starts at 5:12

  • Ammaar Reshi wrote and illustrated a children's book in 72 hours using ChatGPT and Midjourney using all AI tools for free, and self-published a book on Amazon called Alice and Sparkle. - https://tinyurl.com/2w9c74cd\\xa0
  • Washington State prosecutors are investigating social media's impact on kids as Seattle schools are suing Big Tech over a youth mental health crisis. - https://tinyurl.com/3cy39bps\\xa0
  • 3D-printed homes now working on a two-story house in Houston - https://tinyurl.com/yws98fr3\\xa0

--- [Pick of the Day - Whiskey Tasting Reveal]: Starts at 24:14
Skatter Brain PB&J Whiskey | 70 Proof |$21.99
--- [TechTimes "Best of the Best from CES 2023" part 1]: Starts at 25:30
Today we focus on Health and Fitness with our TechTime medical expert James Riddle

\\xa0Best of The Best Items from CES 2023 in the Category of Health and Fitness

  • USCAN - One of the most talked about products at this year\\u2019s CES was U-Scan from the French company Withings.\\xa0
  • LG Breeze Sleep Earbuds\\xa0
  • I-Perskin, $800 by the French company I-Percut (a play on \\u201cuppercut\\u201d) The world\\u2019s first smart punching bag is a hit.
  • ALPHA BEATS\\xa0
  • Y-Brush NylonStart\\xa0
  • AeviceMD

--- [This Week in Technology]: Starts at 42:12
January 15, 2001 - Wikipedia Goes Online; Encyclopedia salespeople mourn

Wikipedia, a free Wiki content encyclopedia, began with its first edit on 15 January 2001, two days after the domain was registered by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

--- [Marc's Whiskey Mumble]: Starts at 44:51

--- [TechTimes "Best of the Best from CES 2023" part 2]: Starts at 46:45
Today we focus on Health and Fitness with our TechTime medical expert James Riddle

Best of The Best Items from CES 2023 in the Category of Health and Fitness

  • Dyson Zone\\xa0
  • Conneqt Pulse Blood Pressure Monitor\\xa0
  • Evie Ring\\xa0

--- [Mike's Mesmerizing Moment brought to us by StoriCoffee\\xae]: Starts at 52:54

--- [Pick of the Day Whiskey Review]: Starts at 54:20
Skatter Brain PB&J Whiskey | 70 Proof |$21.99

Mike: Thumbs Down
Nathan: Thumbs Up
