#16 - 2014, 2015, Losing the Functional High Ground, and Desktop Theory

Published: Jan. 7, 2015, 4:12 a.m.

The first time you do anything in a given year, you always want to do your best at that thing. It could be running a mile, brushing your teeth, making a ham sandwich, racing ferrets, or recording a podcast. It doesn't matter. You want to do great, and then push yourself to surpass that great achievement the next time you do that thing. This is how excellence is born. We've put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make sure to start 2015 off on the right foot, Techdown-wise. And in that endeavor, I'd say that we've definitely succeeded. While it was fun embracing the "Best of 2014" structure for a little while, this week we're back to the "Talking about whatever the hell is on our mind" structure. We're really excited about it, and we know you are too.