TechByter Worldwide 2020-10-02: Zooming Along with PowerPoint. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

Published: Oct. 2, 2020, 4 a.m.

Zoom Meetings has become almost the de facto standard for business meetings, conferences, webinars, and even screen sharing. It's all just talking heads, though. This is a problem that can be resolved by using PowerPoint. Carefully. In Short Circuits: If you have an application on your computer that forces you to right-click the icon and specify that it should run as Administrator, there's a way to eliminate that problem forever, and it takes only a few moments. • Microsoft has been adding functions to what used to be Office 365 - now called Microsoft 365 - features that can help students make better progress in reading, writing, math, and communications. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Photographers have a love-hate relationship with stock photography, and so do project managers. Adobe's bi-annual report on the state of stock photography has just been released. • If the Microsoft segment this week didn't convince you that education tools are a big thing this year, a report from App Annie might do it. • Twenty years ago: I may have been amazed by how much memory could be placed in a small package in 2000, but today there's lots more memory in even smaller containers.