TechByter Worldwide 2020-03-13: Launchy: A Bit Dated, but Still a Timesaver. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

Published: March 13, 2020, 4 a.m.

Using the Start screen or pinning icons to the Task bar works, but it's also possible to start applications with a keyboard-based launcher. Sometimes that's a faster and easier way to work. In Short Circuits: If you've ever been grossed out by your computer's keyboard, maybe now's a good time to clean it. Let's see what's involved. • British software publisher Serif has released updates for its line of Affinity products -- Designer, Photo, and Publisher. If you own the applications, the updates are free. In Spare Parts (only on the website): More resources for Adobe Stock users who can now obtain images from two new providers. • Given the source of many computer components, it's probably no surprise that the new coronavirus is having an adverse effect on computer shipments. • Twenty years ago: Several organizations started providing dial-up internet access for free.