TechByter Worldwide 2019-05-05: Google's Sensorvault Knows Where You Were. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

Published: May 5, 2019, 4 a.m.

If you're planning to commit a crime, you might want to leave your phone at home because Google's Sensorvault knows where you are, where you were, and how long it took you to get from there to here. Sensorvault has data going back several years and, in some situations, police can access it. In Short Circuits: Internet crimes cost individuals and companies nearly $3 billion last year and that's just the crimes that were reported. Changing passwords frequently has been promoted as a good security measure, but that's no longer considered to be correct. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Turtle Beach has released a moderately priced set of headphones for gamers and they include a feature that's been available only in high-priced headphones until now. • Geometiles represent an attempt to make math concepts interesting and fun for students. • Creative Technology's updated Pebble Plus speakers will be of interest to those who want good computer sound but have a limited budget.