TechByter Worldwide 2018-06-10: The Case for Non-Visual HTML Editors. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

Published: June 10, 2018, 4 a.m.

Anyone who's planning to create a website, will probably work with a visual editor such as Adobe Dreamweaver. To learn what goes on behind the scenes, though, nothing beats a little preliminary learning with a non-visual editor. In Short Circuits: Certain sounds can cause your computer to crash and might even harm the computer's hard disk, but it's a long shot. Companies that provide home health care can reduce the number of hospital readmissions for many chronic diseases, but only if they act promptly. Technology comes to the rescue. If you're using an older version of Chrome or Firefox, a new technique can be used to steal information as you visit websites. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Poor customer experience seems to be the norm on federal websites and, according to Forrester Research, conditions aren't improving. • Most Americans say the internet has made their lives better, but has worsened society overall and they're worried that tech companies don't consider the impact of their products and services.