TechByter Worldwide 2017-09-10: Adobe Wants You to Get Out of the House (or Studio). How About a 400GB Memory Card for Your Phone? Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

Published: Sept. 10, 2017, 4 a.m.

Darkrooms, drafting tables, and video suites used to be where photographers, designers, and video editors spent their time. Then they were able to move much of the work to desktop computer. Now some of the work can be done outside on a tablet or even a phone. How about a 400GB memory card for your phone or tablet. You could buy one today and it's expensive, but not as expensive as you might think. In Short Circuits: Equifax says data from 143 million consumers has been exposed in a data breach. With the exception of a few specialized applications, I've all but given up on third-party protective software. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Backup software publisher Acronis has added several useful new features to this year's version of True Image. Adobe and Microsoft have agreed to cooperate with each other on enterprise-wide applications. A survey of security professional says that some of the most dangerous applications are ones we use every day.