TechByter Worldwide 2017-04-09: Looking at Google's Project Fi. Delay Creators Update if You Want To. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

Published: April 9, 2017, 4 a.m.

Although you might have to buy a new phone if you switch to Google's Project Fi, the benefits could justify the cost. The Windows 10 Creators Update will be pushed out to computers starting on Tuesday. Maybe you'd like to delay the update or get it sooner. You may be able to do either and I'll explain how. In Short Circuits: Hackers say they have credentials for 300 Million ICloud accounts and, while that seems unlikely, it paves the way for other crooks. Intel has completed the spin-off of McAfee after buying the company for more than 7 and a half billion dollars 6 years ago. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Lithium-ion batteries pack more power than their predecessors, but they can burst into flame. Researchers are looking for a better option. Ratings firm Nielsen says it will be using artificial intelligence to give on-line advertisers clearer pictures of internet users. Would you buy your next car from a chatbot? One might be involved in the deal and you might not even notice.