TechByter Worldwide 2008.03.16: UltraEdit: Both Parts of the Name Still Ring True; Toshiba's HD-DVD Fiasco (Or Was It?); Stupid Spam of the Week; Nerdly News

Published: March 16, 2008, 4 a.m.

UltraEdit continues to be my favorite text editor, but it's so much more than just a text editor; it's one tool I won't be without. Now that Toshiba is out of the way with its failed HD-DVD, Blu-ray chould really take off, but will it? Don't hold your breath. A spammer explains to me how I can make $225 per hour doing a job that requires no physical or mental effort. I'm suspicious. In Nerdly News, it's the 10th anniversary of the MP3 player and Google makes it possible to sync your Outlook calendar to the Google calendar.